Pranic Distance healing

PRANIC HEALING is a non touch energy healing. Pranic Healers work on the energy body (aura) and the energy points on the aura (chakras). Every chakra is responsible for a part or process in your body. It is through the chakras and energy body that prana or life energy is absorbed and distributed throughout the whole physical and mental body. By cleaning out the chakras and putting in healing energy, the body can start restoring itself.

How does this miraculous healing work?

Pranic Healing is a simple but powerful and effective healing. It is based on the fundamental principle that the body is a "self-repairing" living entity that possesses the ability to heal itself.

What can Pranic Healing do?

PRANIC HEALING accelerates the healing process by three times or more than the normal rate of healing.

Pranic Healing has proven effective on:

The respiratory system, e.g., asthma, bronchitis, coughs;
The circulatory system, e.g., heart ailments;
The gastrointestinal system, e.g., irritable bowel syndrome, constipation;
The musculoskeletal system, e.g., arthritis and back pain;
The reproductive system, e.g., menstrual problems;
The mental system, e.g., stress, phobias, addictions, depression.

On receipt of payment Selina Rainbow Moon will contact you and set up an appointment with you on Skype. The treatment takes approximately 90 minutes.

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