Thursday 19 July 2012

The Dark Lady

The Dark Lady

Unconscious power and wisdom. Rituals, Mysteries, Secrets

The Dark Lady is the High Priestess of the Mysteries. She has the profound, intuitive knowledge that is only to be found by looking deeply into our own beings and natures. We find her through meditation, in sleep and within inner peace, ecstasy and total despair.

She is the guardian of beings unborn, of unconscious ideas, and of seeds sprouting in the dark, cold earth, tender and fragile and as yet unready to face the bright SUN and the winds of Spring. She holds embryonic hopes we have not yet realized we have.

The Dark Lady is the mistress of spiritual ritual. The purpose of a ritual is not the power it allegedly has over Gods, or Spirits or Faeries, but as the very real power it may have over us, putting us into the state of consciousness where we may better connect to our own Magic and to other world beings.

When we have been through a living cycle, it is the Dark Lady who passes with us. It is she who holds and guides us as we re conceive ourselves and prepare to be born anew. From her come those spiritual awakenings that seem to blossom within us out of nowhere.

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