Friday 20 July 2012

The Oak Men

The Oak Men

Strength, Ancient wisdom, Depth

I had an interesting lesson from the Oak Men about how we humans use faeries to MIRROR our own projections. The eyes of the Oak Men are warm light Brown, but some people look at them and say, "Ooooh, red eyes! Scary!" Using digital magic I made a copy of the Oak Men and gave them Blue eyes. I asked some people for an impressions of the Men, and words like "innocent" and "Sweet" and "Melancholy" came back. When I changed them to Violet I got responses like "Ooooh, so Spiritual! So wise."

Had the Oak Men changed? Of course not, but what people project onto them had! When we look at a Faery, we can simply project all of our fears and insecurities and prejudices and delusions on them - or we can try to see them as they are. In a sense, all oracles are simply MIRRORS  of the wisdom and the confusion within the reader, but if we only look at them through our personal filters and projection, we learn very little. It is only when we see beyond ourselves that we begin to use the oracle as a MIRROR of the cosmos and all of it's wisdom.
Get your personal Faery's Oracle reading here

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