Sunday 26 August 2012

Faery's Oracle - Penelope Dreamweaver

Faery's Oracle
Inspiration, Magical Dreams, Visions.

Weaver of Dreams, bringer of visions, muse of artistic inspiration, Penelope weaves tapestries in the mind with threads of light, color and sound. When she comes to us in dreams, we waken under her enchantment and rush for our paints or clay or other forms of expression.

Penelope is an inspiration Faery, and is more than willing to help us. Inspiration Faeries like their jobs, but they they get really bored when people don't pay attention to them. Sometimes they get exasperated enough to send us nightmares in an attempt to get us to wake up!

The Faeries of Inspiration sprinkle us with special Faery dust so that we come up with ideas. "Rather like fertilizing a plant, and you know what plants are fertilized with"

"Faeries hide what you want and reveal what you need"  Brian Froud

Selina Rainbow Moon Abundance page facebook

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